Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To teeth or not to teeth Part 2

Since Friday I had thought Ben was starting to teeth, which he still has no teeth yet so I was still not sure what to expect when this happened... It has been pretty rough the last couple of days. Ryus is again out of town, so I had to be the single mom during teething...not fun!!! Ben was pretty good in the morning and early afternoon, but by 4:00 he was not a happy camper. He wanted me and me only, he had a fever, and was very sensitive, I mean very sensitive. @ night he was waking every couple of hours and still would have a fever.

So this morning my mothers intuition told me that maybe there was more than just teething, so off to the DR.s office and low and behold he has had an ear infection...NOT TEETH! So that makes 2 ear infections to date and more ANTIBIOTICS...which I hate!!! I had thought earlier that maybe it was an ear infection and I tryed the olive oil and garlic trick...that did not do the trick !

So I am patiently awaiting the teeth, but the good thing is that Ben is not the terror I thought during teething, and I get another chance to see if he is a good teether or not. I still think there is a tooth coming, so we will see!!


  1. he is a tough baby boy! i love him so much! you'll be so relieved when he gets his first tooth and he won't be bad at all!

  2. poor baby and momma....glad the problem is solved. Isaac cut his first tooth 2 weeks ago. Not fun. Kara cut hers like a champ though. You never know. :)

  3. Dang that Ben! That sucks! Just be glad he's only had 2 ear infections and not 10 like Noah and Pax had. Tubes were no fun! Hope he gets better!
