Thursday, July 30, 2009

My big 9 Month old

Today Ben is 9 months old!!! He is such a big boy now...he army crawls everywhere and can now go from his tummy to his butt with no help...and he stands by himself holding on to things. Such a big boy!!! He weighs 19lbs 4oz, he has not been gaining as much since he started crawling, and he is 29 in long! He has become a mommas boy since teething and he now has 2 teeth!!! He loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Blue's Clues, I try to limit TV but it is hard!!

Now the not so great things he does...he is refusing to eat baby food and will only eat what I am eating. We are trying to learn sign language and right now the all done sign is all he knows and he uses it after the first bite of annoying!!! He hates to be in his high chair and car seat...also annoying.

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin' cute! Ready for you next one yet??? :-)

    ps. Isn't Yo Gabba Gabba the STRANGEST kid show you have EVER seen? I swear the producers are on drugs!

    pss. Crew LOVES t.v. He would watch it ALL DAY LONG if I let him! I try to limit too!
