Tuesday, June 30, 2009

8 Months


My sweet boy is 8 months old today!!! 

As Ben gets older I have more and more fun with this little boy!! I wouldn't say he is a mamma's boy, but if his daddy was home every single day he would defiantly be a daddy's boy, he has the best smile when Ryus walks in the door, he loves his daddy.

I speculate Ben is about 2 weeks away from crawling, he is so close...he kind of does the butt in the air thing and then pushes off with his feet!!!

He is sleeping much better now, which I am greatful for. I just let him do his own thing and I just make sure he is on a good bedtime routine!!!

Ben tries to copy everything we do now and it is so funny...my favorite is when I close my eyes and open them really quick he tries to do it and it cracks me up...FUNNY BOY!!!

Ben loves his sippy cup with water...and only water. He hates to try new foods and never trusts me in the mornings when I first feed him, he always looks at me first opens his mouth 1/2 open and then makes sure he likes it before he opens his mouth all the way. WEIRD! He loves the video camera and knows when its on and will just stare at it, and will not do what ever I am filming him for....stinker! He is starting to like more and more people and quit having a thing for only Blonde's, he has now been much more accepting to brunettes

He is water dog in the pool and only says mamma when he wants something. Ben has the best hand eye coordination, he can pick up any thing and points at the smallest things. His favorite song is patty cake and itsy bitsy spider, and he is very close to clapping when you sing patty cake. He also loves to dance!!!

My monster child is 19lbs and I can barely carry him in his car seat anymore, I try not to when ever possible, but I hate taking him in and out of the Jeep.

I am finding that my child is the bully child and steals everything away from any other children...like his cousin AJ's pacifier. Never has Ben been a pacifier baby and hates when I give him one, but he loves AJ's.

Last but not least...Ben shakes his head no over and over again and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. All i have to do his tell him to get crazy and he does it, it makes me smile every time.



  1. He is so adorable!! Isn't is so fun to watch their little personalities shine through as the days and months go by?!

    ps. Crew shakes his head NO all the time too. Not quite sure where he learned that one......

  2. Awe the precious moments. Glad you wrote everything down, it the small stuff that you really want to remember. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Can you take a video of him shaking his head we would love to see it.

  4. Hey Jess this is Kim Buhr (now Kim Thomas)! I got your address off my sisters blog! Ben is sooo handsome! You look great too! What's Kasey up to?

  5. BEN is so cute! I love it, I need to see him and you of course! Sorry I haven't had the internet - and finally got on at my moms! Call you soon! Love Leah

  6. That picture is adorable Jessica. They grow up way too fast!
