So no pictures to follow this post.
(can't stand the 9 month look right now)
I am 6 days away from my due date
and I am showing no signs of this
little girl coming anytime soon.
Even the Dr's are saying the same thing!
I have prayed this whole 9 months
about wanting a great birth, getting
to the hospital in time,
being able to get an epidural, if wanted,
being able to
breastfeed and have an AWESOME delivery....
somewhere in there I forgot to ask for her to come
when I wanted her too...shoot
where was I at for that one! Stupid me!
So as of Tuesday I was not ready for her to be here yet
but had a Dr. appt and thought for sure I would be dilated and effaced
some what cause my due date was 8 days away! Oh no
I was neither,and my cervix was still too
high to even get too!
I was pretty depressed that my body had
not started the process! Its weird cause I am not in a hurry
but it was still depressing to hear that. This is the week
I ENVY you C-SECTION ladies!!!! You have the exact date, time
and there are not worries and sadness and all the emotion
that comes with not knowing ANYTHING about your own baby and body!!!
And boy did I forget how much I HATE everyones 2 cents!
I know she will come when she is ready, and believe me
I am sure it makes for a better delivery, but I just wanted my body to show some sort
of sign that there was an ending to this soon!
And I am sure there is but I just want to avoid being induced....
and I want nothing to do with it EVER!!!!
So my plan is to be sad and complain and hope that I did it all for nothing,
because I do still have 6 days and a lot can happen in 6 days!!
And thats always my luck when I FREAK out about something and stress
it ALWAYS turns out OK!! So here is me